Review: The Torso

Published Categorised as Writings, Book Reviews

The Torso
The Torso by Helene Tursten

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m enjoying this series set in Sweden. The Torso is rather gruesome but not relentlessly so. Humour, personal conflict, doggies, and vivid descriptions of Goteberg and Swedish life add welcome counterpoints and keep one engaged. I also like the peek this series gives into a different society and culture. There is far more misogyny and objectification of women in Sweden than I would’ve expected of a socialist country. And I learnt that Scandinavian countries are not all one vast blonde sameness either.

I don’t know what it is about Tursten’s writing, but she kept me reading. I haven’t read late into the night in quite some time — until I loaded this ebook onto my Sony Reader — and I replaced the light battery in my Reader’s cover just so I could. I’ll be putting the next book in this series on hold at the Toronto Public Library virtual branch!

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