Another Good Review!

Published Categorised as Reviews, Lifeliner, Bookstores, Marketing

I’m starting to feel like a critically acclaimed movie: lots of good words, not the commensurate number of sales. Still, the review of Lifeliner I just stumbled across was a real upper.

When I searched for “jeejeebhoy” on, I did a double take when I saw next to the title of my book “4 reviews.” Four? Didn’t I have three? I clicked on the “Customer Reviews” link and first noticed that at least one person had found Gloria Oren’s review helpful. That was new. Gloria had reviewed Lifeliner back in February and had awarded it 5 stars. Then I scrolled down and discovered that there really was a new review of my book, posted just two days ago on May 24th.

Diana Rohini LaVigne, Online Editor of Indian Life & Style Magazine and India-West Magazine and the South Asian Journalists Association Bay Area Chapter Coordinator, had succinctly and kindly reviewed my book on Saturday, giving it 4 stars. Cool! She’d summarized Lifeliner and commented briefly on the kind of research I’d done, then wrote:

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“Arranged in chronological order, readers are taken on the journey with Judy; experiencing her triumphs and her challenges. Reading it will make you laugh, smile, cringe, cry and most importantly, think.”

Wow! But her last paragraph really blew me away:

“Once you finish the book, you will take stock of your own health and that of your family’s. If you want inspiration, Lifeliner has no shortage packed into its pages. An excellent book to read and pass along to anyone from those interested in true stories, medical history and those interested in anything to do with health. Lifeliner isn’t just a book, but a voyage about TPN, living with adversity and the power of human will.”