So Many Things…

What’s something most people don’t understand? My post titles’ SEO these days are shit. I’m not following best practices for the Google crawler to find my posts and treat them preferentially in search results. Well, except for my last one — I used “top ten,” which is good for SEO. That’s why you see so…

Top Ten Reasons to Say No

How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals? Saying “no” is trendy in the self-care department. Especially in the for-women area. The axiom goes that women don’t care for themselves, want to please everyone, can’t say “no,” and end up sacrificing themselves and their goals. Kind of like Jesus,…

Two Books – Two Yays!

A selection of my reviews of books and things.

Early this morning, I received the beta reader comments on book one of my Resurrection Trilogy. And a few hours later I discussed my self-help book with my editor, the one who guided me through Lifeliner and my first novels and oversaw Concussion Is Brain Injury (both editions). The Interdimension Beta Read Katherine of Autocrit,…

Self-Help Book Revision Time

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

Revising time starts today! I know, almost a month after I finished drafting my self-help book for people with brain injury in April’s Camp NaNoWriMo. I exceeded my word count goal of 25,000 words — writing 39,166 words — and completed the draft! Both by the 22nd. Kind of stunning! And draining. That’s partly why…

Self-Help Book Launching Into Camp

Self-help book. I didn’t think I’d ever write one. I don’t feel qualified for one. Yeah, I’ve created a website to share knowledge about how to recognize, diagnose, and treat brain injury. It’s relatively easy (though super tiring, draining, exhausting) to research and put together facts, especially since I’ve essentially been doing that since 2005.…

Three-Week Concussion Treatment Update

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series May 2021 Brain Injury

The horror fest of concussion recovery, a job nobody wants, contains dramatic improvements. As I continue the treatment protocol I outlined in my last post, my reading is almost back to normal. I doubled my reading time on Sunday to 16 minutes without experiencing dizziness or nausea. Unfortunately, a concentration headache comes on with reading…