Shake-it-up Saturday is the sixth day of the Written Academy’s 7-Day Writing Sprint. You’re supposed to do something different or shake up your writing environment or whatever. Anything to shake up your writing routine. I’m playing with Lottie Animations.
Tag: Writing
Changing CES to taVNS
I wrote on Psychology Today about taVNS and its dramatic potential to heal brain injury. Then I decided to follow Dave Siever’s guidance on how to position the CES clips to provide taVNS. Wow! I did not expect such a powerfully motivating and productive result!!
Reliving in Novelling
Back to novelling. The second novel in The Q’Zam’Ta Trilogy. Will I last without NaNoWriMo’s external drivers?
Two Weeks Late, Got Revelation Post Done!
I launched Scrivener, the draft appeared on screen, and I remembered. I finished my latest Revelation post for Mind Explorer.
The Day the Rice Blew Up
Write about your most epic baking or cooking fail. My most epic cooking fail happened decades ago. I’d volunteered to cook for the dinner party my parents were hosting for 20 people. I was 14 years old and already used to cooking for 6 or 8 or more people. Twenty was a new goal! I…
Updating My Writing Steps
Updating my writing steps: Getting back into fiction writing means reminding myself how I got from idea to finish manuscript.
The Writing Workshop Life
Not sure why but this year, I’ve impulsed my way into writing workshops, events, and this week a series of conversations on the artisan author. I think my subconscious decided I needed a kick to get back into novelling. And it worked. The retrofitting ended…almost…but it took a year longer than planned, and technical and…
Storygarden Summit
I signed up for the Storygarden Summit on a whim. I’d enjoyed Plottr’s writing craft book club on Story Genius so much I wanted to keep inside the writing sphere. I’m so glad I signed up! I haven’t worked on my novels or books for over a year. Too many other things going on, and…
Circling Story
Story. Stories. Storytelling. Beats the heart of the novel. I’d never thought of how it’s the story not the writing that makes a novel a novel until I began reading on Thursday night Story Genius by Lisa Cron when I was two-thirds of the way through Madeleine L’Engle’s memoir A Circle of Quiet. A week…