A person whose spirit Judy saved left a touching and honest account of how she met Judy in my Guestbook. When Toni Smith first e-mailed me to tell me how Judy had made a difference in her life and perspective on life, I had thought it was after Judy had gone home and had successfully…
Tag: Website
A Book Trailer is Made
Finally, finally I have a book trailer made! I had heard about these from somewhere and had thought, “What a good idea!” For those who want to get the quick and dirty about what Lifeliner is about, a video is the ideal method. I’d intended to try and do it myself, but eventually had to…
Linking Can Be Amusing
Beta is code for screwed up. One must remember that! I decided to give Amazon.ca’s Context Links (Beta) widget a try, thinking it’ll pick up my name or the title of my book. Ha! It picked up on Judy’s name first. Only problem was it went to “Judy Taylor” the author of Dudley Dormouse, a…
Joining the Community, the chapters.indigo.ca one
chapters.indigo.ca is building a “NEW community online.” Have you seen the ads plastered all over the subway? They recently turned the volume down to a few ads tastefully scattered through the cars, but as an author, they pounced on me as soon as my book hit their virtual shelves. They wanted me — me, ms.…
Website Done! I Think…
Well, at last, all the major online bookstores — the ones I’m familiar with anyway — are listing Lifeliner! Whoo hoo!! Getting the badges from Amazon was an easy, painless process. The badges are huge, but you can customize them to some degree. Chapters.Indigo was a bit more complicated — no customization available, so I…
Upgrading WordPress
Ack! Never upgrade WordPress just because as soon as you log in, it tells you to “please upgrade now.” That doesn’t mean now now! Especially if you’ve just told a bunch of people about your brand spanking new website. Because as soon as you start upgrading, you’ll see all the plugins that need upgrading and…
Website Upgrade Done!
I’ve finally finished the website upgrade! Phew!! It took me many months to try and figure out which program I could use and, at the same time, would allow me to do what I wanted with minimal programming knowledge on my part. It was suggested to me that I use WordPress; it was only when…
Upgrade Website
Time to upgrade the website and test the Events Calendar.