Another Good Review!

I’m starting to feel like a critically acclaimed movie: lots of good words, not the commensurate number of sales. Still, the review of Lifeliner I just stumbled across was a real upper. When I searched for “jeejeebhoy” on, I did a double take when I saw next to the title of my book “4…

A Good Review

Lifeliner recently garnered praise in a review by Ernest Dempsey. First posted on Babelation, the review appears on Book Corner, along with links to my book trailer and website. Dempsey starts his review, “One thing a good inspirational book achieves is making its readers realize the worth of life and the state of living just…

And The American Midwest Notices Lifeliner Too!

A television station out on the plains of the United States picked up a review of Lifeliner and published it on its website. I’m amazed — as in, just-not-taking-it-in-very-quickly-as-it’s-so-unexpected, in a good way — that a station in Omaha, a city in the US, not Canada, has decided to showcase a review on my book!