Cover Reveals Title

Today is the day! I’m ready to reveal the title and cover of the first book in my trilogy!! But first, drum roll, please, with a final cymbal ring, as I reveal the trilogy’s title. The Q’Zam’Ta Trilogy As I pondered, tested, googled various trilogy titles using the word “resurrection” or some English synonym, I…

Storygarden Summit

I signed up for the Storygarden Summit on a whim. I’d enjoyed Plottr’s writing craft book club on Story Genius so much I wanted to keep inside the writing sphere. I’m so glad I signed up! I haven’t worked on my novels or books for over a year. Too many other things going on, and…

Two Books – Two Yays!

A selection of my reviews of books and things.

Early this morning, I received the beta reader comments on book one of my Resurrection Trilogy. And a few hours later I discussed my self-help book with my editor, the one who guided me through Lifeliner and my first novels and oversaw Concussion Is Brain Injury (both editions). The Interdimension Beta Read Katherine of Autocrit,…

COVID-19 Creates Another New Routine

Egguin, Soma's Chocolate Easter Egg

One of the things about brain injury, like with COVID-19, is that you need routine to function well. Yet when you access treatments, routines must change upon returning skills, changed talents, and increasing functionality. Sometimes finding a new therapy or new psychiatrist or psychologist means a disrupted routine and once again finding your way to…

Concussion Is Brain Injury Crowdfund Over: The Writing Begins

Extending my crowdfund campaign seemed like a good idea. Maybe people who’d been thinking about it would use the extra time to make that pledge, to say with their hard-earned income that they believed in and supported updating Concussion Is Brain Injury through PubLaunch. My campaign certainly received more retweets, likes, and shares! People threw their…