The weather gods jumped our temps from jacket cool to sweaty tank tops. Pretty soon, we’ll be seeing caterpillars munching on flower buds and leaves as this two-headed monster was on a milkweed flower last year. Brain injury and PTSD are like a two-headed monster sitting on your psyche, slowly munching on your sanity. When…
I am a Psychology Today Blogger!
My New York publicist for Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me has been working hard to acquaint various media outlets with my book and persuade them to review it. Psychology Today was one of those media. But they decided against reviewing my book — sigh. Instead, on April 17th, they wrote my…
Concussion Recovery is a Series of What are my Priorities?
As I come out of the narrow, tortuous pass that is a life focused on treating brain injury and the subsequent PTSD, I’m faced with the big question: what are my priorities? The first time I said bye to focusing on treating my injured neurons, I hunted for the supports I needed to be functional.…
Back in the NaNoWriMo Noveling Saddle
Last night at midnight, I joined my fellow Wrimos in the insane endeavour of starting writing a novel when one should be asleep! It’s been too many years since I was ready to write, excited to write, able to join my fellow Wrimos at midnight on my computer. Since 2013, it’s been an exercise in…
Sixteen Years Since my Brain Injury
So. My 16th anniversary of the car crash that scattered my life into ashes is now. That crash didn’t only give me a brain injury, it also led to events that gave me PTSD. From my experience, PTSD is a monster that feeds on the worst of human thoughts and beliefs and lifts up a…
A Crisis, A Call, A Camera
My health care team is not really a team: it’s three parts linked through me, the one with the injured brain, the healing brain, the brain that has suddenly sent them into crisis mode while freaking me out. I have tried for years to get the disparate parts of my team to talk together. I’ve…
Back to SMR Training at CZ to Continue Brain Injury Treatment
I am having a full cap reassessment later this summer. But in the meantime, I had a mini one at CZ and PZ a couple of weeks ago (that’s top centre of head and middle at back-top of head where I’ve been getting gamma enhancement biofeedback). This week, I began a new protocol based on…
Vampire Clinic Time
I’m not in the mood for writing. I finally trundled over to the vampire clinic, starving from over 14 hours of fasting (I kind of miscalculated the time To stop eating). This was a triumph. It took only six *cough* months and a few reminders from my neurodoc to get meself to the blood lab…
The Centreboard Life of Brain Injury
When we first came to Canada, my father’s colleague introduced us to the frightening delight of sailing in a tippy boat on a lake with capricious winds in Ontario. Pretty soon, my Dad had his own centreboard sailboat, one that was a little more stable than his colleague’s Albacore. Back then, only rich fat…