Review: Instruments of Darkness

Instruments of Darkness by Robert Wilson My rating: 4 of 5 stars I was looking for the Canadian author Robert Wilson in the virtual branch of the Toronto Public Library. He wasn’t listed, but this Wilson was. The blurb sounded interesting, and even more relevant, it was available to borrow right away. Most books in…

The Soft Launch of SHE

She is out. She is published. Yay! It’s rather unbelievable that my fantasy novel finally is. Right now, I am doing a soft launch of the eBook. I had read about this method of launching a book awhile ago and thought it a good idea. Basically, I upload the final DOC file to Smashwords, which…

Review: She

She by Shireen Jeejeebhoy It’s a bit difficult to review one’s own book. First one is convinced it’s the worst dreck ever, then the thought creeps in that it’s brilliant, but of course reality is in between. And so I am eminently unqualified to star it or rate it. But I hope you will! View…

Review: The Dead Place

The Dead Place by Stephen Booth My rating: 4 of 5 stars I read recently that this series featuring Diane Fry and Ben Cooper, two police detectives in Derbyshire, England, is popular in Canada. It’s nice to know I’m amongst much company. But I’m not surprised. This is British to the core but not in…

Review: Murder On Monday

Murder On Monday by Ann Purser My rating: 2 of 5 stars Somebody wrote that this is British to the core. It is very British, that’s for sure. I sometimes wondered if almost stereotypically so. It was an OK read. Lots of domestic details that were I think put in not so much to move…

Review: By a Spider’s Thread

By a Spider’s Thread by Laura Lippman My rating: 3 of 5 stars I wouldn’t call this hair-raising or a cliff-hanger, but it is a darn good read. It’s interesting how Lippman focuses on different regular characters in each book. In this one, she gets rid of Crow in a convenient way, and Kitty plays…

Review: The Last Place

The Last Place by Laura Lippman My rating: 3 of 5 stars Creepy. Compelling. And classic Tess Monaghan. My only quibble: I didn’t like what Lippman chose to do with a character near the end, which is the one and only thing I remembered from my previous reads of this mystery novel. But that’s author…