Two weeks ago, my biofeedback trainer re-assessed my brain at the PZ-O1 position — left back of skull. Last week we continued gamma brainwave biofeedback training at that position and will do so for ten sessions total. And then re-assess. Relief. My gamma was unusually low last week. It finally rose to my normal above-1.0…
Tag: Gamma
Back to Gamma Brainwave Training at PZ-O1
Back to gamma, gamma brainwave training. Back to the PZ-O1 position: the electrode is gelled onto my head at the back of my skull and slightly to the left of midline. That’s the position associated with alleviating PTSD symptoms as I recall. This is what me and my neurodoc were concerned about, and I’m glad…
A Touch of Gamma Brainwave Training
Everyone has trouble with tradespeople’s propensity for setting big time windows, even businesses. The Toronto office at the ADD Centre is undergoing some minor physical restructuring, and a guy was supposed to arrive at the same time I was being trained to do some work near the computer I’m usually hooked up to. So my…
Laughter is Good Medicine but not Mid-Training
You know when you get a fit of the giggles and can’t stop laughing and how awkward that is? Well, imagine that when trying to move a virtual bowling ball down its virtual lane . . . Or worse flying a biplane with brainwaves that don’t want to co-operate so that the electric guitar in…
The Unconscious Mind in an Injured Brain
TVO devoted a week of primetime programming to Mysteries of the Mind. And The Agenda, hosted by Steve Paikin, featured a different brain-focused topic each evening as introduced by Dr. Norman Doidge, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst in Toronto and author of The Brain That Changes Itself. One of TVO’s multi-part documentaries was on the unconscious…
Affect, Trauma, Anniversary Week of a Brain Injury
Affect can be a fickle mistress. When affect works as it should, we are unaware of its role. We laugh, we cry, we snort, we sigh, we get serious, and we devolve into silliness. And we do it all as normal responses to the vagaries of life. But woe to your affect when you suffer…
175 Hours and Counting for Brain Biofeedback
I’ve done 175 hours of brain biofeedback, 84 in my first 2 years and 91 in the last 1.5 years for gamma training. (Fewer hours first time around because I missed summers and I became quite ill in the first 3 months of 2007, probably because I’d pushed myself too hard, a horrid time I’d…
Pills are Not the Only Modality of Treating the Brain
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the medical system treats the “mental illness” aspect of brain injury, that is, moods, thinking styles, that sort of thing. I’ve never been put on drugs for depression or concentration problems, but I know others who have, and my neurodoc has talked to me several times about…
Gamma Re-Assessment Day
Twas a mini re-assessment day. My trainer took 3-minute readings at each of FZ, C4, and PZ. FZ is dead centre at the front of my head and is related to action, executive function. PZ is at the back of the top of my head, dead centre, and is the area we’re training. C4 is…