Last week, I met my case manager, about nine years late. It’s taken me since then to see if I can figure out what happened. Nope. It’s not that I’m new to case management and slow on the pickup, it’s that it was so, well, limp. Back in mid-1991 I was in a rear-ender that…
Tag: CHI
Seeing the Physiatrist: One More Step to an Answer. Maybe.
You often hear at the end of a standard news story on the umpteenth car collision of the week, “no life-threatening injuries.” Well, those “no life-threatening injuries” in me are causing me to still be seeking medical help 10 years later, partly because traumatic brain injury (TBI) health care is so fragmented, so little understood,…
Ten Years. How It All Began.
I find it difficult to believe that it’s exactly ten years (18:30 15 Jan 2000 to 18:30 15 Jan 2010) since I was injured in a multiple car crash on Highway 7 in Woodbridge, an injury I thought at the time was like the one I sustained in another car crash back on 10 June…
Nine Years, Eleven Months, Twenty-Eight Days
M.V.A. January 15, 2000 is how every letter from my lawyers is referenced. M.V.A.: Motor Vehicle Accident. It was no accident. Any effing idiot who tailgates on Highway 7, a road with near-highway speeds, steep hills, and stoplights at the nadir — and what dumbass road engineer thought traffic lights at the bottom of a…
Head Injury, Rising Heart Rate, and Diabetes: A Crappy Combo
I’m angry. I’m angry about my diabetes diagnosis. But not because I have it, but because it may’ve been preventable if I’d received adequate support during the years I was being diagnosed and actively treated for closed head injury. I have the feast and famine gene. That means one is prone to developing diabetes Type…
Assessment at the ADD Centre: The First Step to Treating Brain Injury
Last time, I wrote about how I found the ADD Centre and what it did for me in treating my brain injury. But I didn’t get into the nitty gritty details of how the assessment and treatment goes. So here’s a rundown of the first step: assessment. Dr. Lynda Thompson, the Director of the ADD…
Rhythm: The Foundation of Health?
Rhythm. Rhythm in music. Rhythm in words. Rhythm in patterns, on the floor, in wood. Rhythm appears in the sinuous movements of dance; sounds out from fingers dancing on piano keys; heard in the staccato beats of hand clapping hand. Hidden, our hearts beat out rhythms, and our breath, lulled into meditative depths, inhales and…
CN Tower Over the Valley Inspires a CafePress Calendar
I’ve discovered two things this week: I really need an audiovisual entrainment session to get me writing on my blogs; and creating images for CafePress is awfully addictive. I called up the ADD Centre a few days ago to catch them up on my brain’s healing — especially the recent jump in writing skills —…
Exciting Research on Neuron Regrowth at McMaster U
One of the things most frustrating to me about my lawsuit was being unable to blog about my brain injury. It wasn’t so much not being able to vent as being unable to blog about the discoveries I made that made a huge difference to my functionality and thus to my life. With a broken…