The Book of Job in the Old Testament of the Bible is one many people who’ve suffered hardship turn to. Yet this long book of poetry with its seemingly tedious middle part is not an easy read. While sufferers can identify with Job, and Bible readers can enjoy the beginning and the ending, the rest…
Tag: Brain injury
As Usual, Politicians Tramp on my Unfolding
It’s been a gale-force day of wind and flying hopes in a week of unfolding possibilities. I’ve been studying the Book of Job in the Bible for the better part of a year now with my Pastor, and partway in, I started toying with the idea of writing my own Outline as the ones suggested…
Rhythm: The Foundation of Health?
Rhythm. Rhythm in music. Rhythm in words. Rhythm in patterns, on the floor, in wood. Rhythm appears in the sinuous movements of dance; sounds out from fingers dancing on piano keys; heard in the staccato beats of hand clapping hand. Hidden, our hearts beat out rhythms, and our breath, lulled into meditative depths, inhales and…
My Second Brain, My Palm
Surrogate Memory. That’s the title of Judy Steed’s article in the November 8th Toronto Star on seniors with memory impairments using Palms. It’s apt. I called my Palm my second brain. I first checked out these nifty handheld devices when we bought my regular biennial computer back in 1999. But as Normand, my husband at…