Fanship in Beta

One summer day, I listened to a webinar on block chain, hosted by Access Copyright. I did something unusual: I put my name and email down to contact me about developments. Usually, I don’t because . . . fatigue. Sigh. A few months later, they asked me if I’d like to be part of a…

COVID-19 Creates Another New Routine

Egguin, Soma's Chocolate Easter Egg

One of the things about brain injury, like with COVID-19, is that you need routine to function well. Yet when you access treatments, routines must change upon returning skills, changed talents, and increasing functionality. Sometimes finding a new therapy or new psychiatrist or psychologist means a disrupted routine and once again finding your way to…

Five 5-Star Reviews of Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me!

Amazon 5-star reviews are like gold. Amazon has very strict guidelines on who can review your book like my memoir Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me. It’s rather confusing, but the fundamental principle of you can’t tell them what to write is one I abide by anyway because what’s the point of…

NaNoWriMo and the TTC

Seven days in, and I’ve written every day of NaNoWriMo. I haven’t been able to do this in years. Most amazing part: write, edit, fine tune, and post one chapter to Wattpad every day. Up to now, at best, I wrote one chapter daily during November. Never edited before. Too scared to even post it…

Moving On From Reading

There’s a huge irony in my reading rehab journey: I thought long and hard about what it would take to restore reading after brain injury; I wrote about my theoretical program; I’ve done bits and pieces of that program; I am now receiving the bare minimum of help for reading. My second and third posts…

Patreon Quest

In my never-ending quest to find a way to earn an income with a brain injury that keeps interrupting the flow, I’ve joined Patreon. It’s a nifty way for readers who like my books and my blog to support me, like the patrons of old, except for as little as $1US per month. Many artists,…