Joining Patreon While Waiting for My Editor

Published Categorised as Brain Power, Books, Concussion is Brain Injury, Personal, News

Yikes! Less than a week until I find out what my editor thinks. She’s very particular and observant, always asks me tons of questions, pushes me to think more, add and delete stuff — all things a good editor does! But it can be a little daunting upon first read through.

During this down time while I wait for my editor, I learnt of Patreon and have been pondering joining it. A fellow writer I follow on Twitter sent me an invite after we chatted about it. This week I plunged in and began working on my Creator Page. I have no idea how people can set up and launch their page in a day. They must have a zillion fans ready to go, have no trouble writing a description, and can whip off an intro video in no time. Ack! Not me!! I’m trying to think how I can get out of doing the video, but they say it’s essential for success. So gotta do what you gotta do, eh?

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The other sticking point is the rewards. What can I give that I can sustain and people will enjoy? Hmmm. It’s the sustaining part that’s tough for me because, you know, brain injury. Those of us with it live in fear of our dear brain suddenly belching to a stop after trucking along nicely for months. And then there’s the PTSD’s nasty habit of freezing me. Only a human being can prod me going for a few minutes or hour, enough to write a little or something. But I have no humans in my life to do that, only the CCAC folks for four weeks in May to help me with the edits for Concussion Is Brain Injury. If only I had the money to pay privately for such help every week . . . Well, I guess that could be a Patreon goal: therapeutic help to ensure I can keep writing through brain injury belches and PTSD freezes!!!