AVE For Energy: Lifting Brain Injury’s Suffocating Fatigue

I’ve been using SMR/Beta audiovisual entrainment (AVE) session most mornings for a very long time. Clinical experience and research showed this session has a paradoxical relaxation effect on people with brain injury, not just boosting my brain function. And years ago, with my original DAVID Delight device, I discovered beta 18Hz sparked my thinking back…

Learning Is Forever

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow. As I read this prompt, I immediately thought of the day I decided to call the ADD Centre and said “yes” to attending there for their expensive assessment and treatment program. Their program was outside any kind of medicine that I…

A Book to Read Again and Again

"What an amazing journey into the future." Ana, a reader on Goodreads

What book could you read over and over again? Before my brain injury, after I became an adult, I didn’t reread books, for, you see, the moment I began reading the first paragraph or, at most, the first page, the entire book came back into my head. No fun to reread. A new adventure, a…

So Many Things…

What’s something most people don’t understand? My post titles’ SEO these days are shit. I’m not following best practices for the Google crawler to find my posts and treat them preferentially in search results. Well, except for my last one — I used “top ten,” which is good for SEO. That’s why you see so…

Top Ten Reasons to Say No

How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals? Saying “no” is trendy in the self-care department. Especially in the for-women area. The axiom goes that women don’t care for themselves, want to please everyone, can’t say “no,” and end up sacrificing themselves and their goals. Kind of like Jesus,…

One Word? Only One?!

What is one word that describes you? One word to describe me? That’s a toughie. How can you use one word to describe a person, after brain injury, which makes your future unrecognizable and changes you and changes you again and again and again? Does the core you vanish under the onslaught of damage? Or…