Surrogate Memory. That’s the title of Judy Steed’s article in the November 8th Toronto Star on seniors with memory impairments using Palms. It’s apt. I called my Palm my second brain. I first checked out these nifty handheld devices when we bought my regular biennial computer back in 1999. But as Normand, my husband at…
Category: Personal
Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day on YouTube Page.
A Week to Remember
It’s been an up and down week these past many days. My brain has been healing rapidly, which is good, but has been throwing me into chaos as it drags me away from my routine in search of rediscovered abilities, not so good. I had to organize myself again to take into account my new…
Finished up my Series on Going Ubuntu
With the much-anticipated release of the semi-annual upgrade to Ubuntu, I decided to finish up my Going Ubuntu series as I upgraded my Hardy Heron version of Ubuntu to the Intrepid Ibex version. (I love the naming of the upgrades!) Of course, nothing ever goes smoothly. Even when it’s supposed to be one click, two…
CN Tower Over the Valley Inspires a CafePress Calendar
I’ve discovered two things this week: I really need an audiovisual entrainment session to get me writing on my blogs; and creating images for CafePress is awfully addictive. I called up the ADD Centre a few days ago to catch them up on my brain’s healing — especially the recent jump in writing skills —…
Getting Acquainted with my CafePress Shop, Points North Studio
Just under a week ago, I joined CafePress as a shopkeeper. I’d thought about doing it a few months ago, researched it and its competitors, sunk into a quagmire of indecision, and then the Olympics started. Last week, a friend of mine reminded me of CafePress, and I started up the shop. It’s been an…
Blogging and Books, Two Different Kinds of Writing Life
This election has provided ample blogging material, what with Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s peculiar secrecy and need to avoid engaging the Canadian public directly, Elizabeth May being in the debates for the first time, Stephane Dion finding his mojo (as Strombo put it), and Jack Layton being touted as having the best campaign of them…
Writing is A Bit Slow. Thank Goodness for Politics
Politics is my hobby, and when I find writing difficult, watching our politicians, especially in an election, can usually get me typing furiously on my blog and more recently on Twitter. I have actually upped my tweets substantially since the debates — it was so much fun typing short, off-the-cuff comments as the leaders debated…
I’m Back! … I think…
Someone told me that every year of difficulty (to put it mildly) experienced requires a week to recover after the crap that hit the fan has been all cleaned up. My lawsuit ended 8 years, 6 months, and 3 days after the crap started flying, which means that around about now, everything should be clean…