Rhythm: The Foundation of Health?

Rhythm. Rhythm in music. Rhythm in words. Rhythm in patterns, on the floor, in wood. Rhythm appears in the sinuous movements of dance; sounds out from fingers dancing on piano keys; heard in the staccato beats of hand clapping hand. Hidden, our hearts beat out rhythms, and our breath, lulled into meditative depths, inhales and…

Beginning The New Year

The New Year began with a heart attack — ack, couldn’t see anything on my website but my home page — and shock — someone rated Lifeliner on the Chapters website. Whoo hoo! Luckily, tech support actually understood the website snafu, and we resolved it. In the process, I’ve learnt some errors are inscrutable and…

The Soft Light of Christ(mas)

The woman stands at the tall lobby window, staring out into the night, waiting. The car races down the darkened road. The crosswalk lights sway erratically in the black wind, casting shifting shadows onto the melting snow. People jostle strangers in the light-bright mall, un-noticing. The mother cooks in the kitchen. The father sits on…