Natural gas is dirt cheap in Canada. When I first began looking at the potential cost of switching to all electric for my heating, hot water, and stove, I found calculators only on US and UK sites and was shocked at their high natural gas and hydro rates. Everyone in Canada whines about gasoline prices,…
Category: Personal
Dental Health Recovery After Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury can impair both saliva composition and production, leading to tooth decay. Better cooperation between medicine and dentistry could prevent increased damage.
Are Windows Accessible?
Windows allow sunlight to come in and moments of standing, pondering the rain drumming the ground outside. Windows exist everywhere, and we accept the way designers have innovated them. But should we? I’m not talking about the science of keeping the indoors comfortable and the weather outside; I’m talking about how we open and close…
Universe Hates Me Chronicles
Twitter is Xed. My hot water tank that gushed water was replaced by a Giant-manufacturer-dented tank that the customer service supervisor doesn’t want to replace with an undamaged one since transport companies have a habit of bunging up a tank en route from factory to Toronto and so they can’t get me the energy efficient…
Six Minutes Rowing Since Y2K’s Traumatic Brain Injury
We bought a Concept II rower back in the late 1990s, the same one athletes use for training. We both used it. Me with my blood pressure that had a tendency to drop under stress from lack of catecholamines, couldn’t do much in comparison to fit and tall him. But I was progressing up levels.…
My Name
The origins of my name are a mystery and well known. Where did your name come from? My first name is ancient Persian — Zoroastrian — meaning “sweet,” co-opted by Muslims as their own, maybe through the conquering of Ancient Persia over a millennium ago that reduced the Zoroastrian population to a minuscule fraction. My…
Summertime and the Carbon Dioxide Is High
Carbon dioxide. That gas of climate change — and vegetation exhalations at night. I walked into the room where my Aranet4 is sitting, a room I hadn’t been in for 12 hours and only for a few seconds all the previous day (Sunday) and my jaw dropped. 1132ppm carbon dioxide?? What the actual f—‽ This…
Reading Chapter x Chapter x Chapter
Lindamood-Bell’s visualizing and verbalizing program to restore reading comprehension starts with an image, a sentence, and builds up to a chapter and then finally chapter by chapter, just like normal reading. You visualize as you read; at the end, you verbalize. It’s a lot more difficult to visualize several chapters in a row then verbalize…
Desired Change?
Big desire. Impossible ambition. Through blogs, books, and websites. What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? Change the system of diagnosis and treatment of brain injury from symptom based to objective tests and effective, permanent non-drug, non-surgical treatments. Change standard medical education to recognize concussion, long COVID,…