What’s In A Name? Me!

#BrainInjury obliterated the old me. I felt like my name wasn’t my name. I eventually felt like my name was my first and last only. But when I designed my self-help book’s cover in April, I found myself using my full name on it. And that felt right. Today, here too on my profile. Originally…

Time for Another Book

April means Camp NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). This year, I’m trying it again because a self-help book for people with brain injury sprouted in my brain and demanded being written. I obeyed. I set my Camp goal as 25,000 words. I don’t usually manage to last the month, and I thought halving the November…

Self-Help Book Launching Into Camp

Self-help book. I didn’t think I’d ever write one. I don’t feel qualified for one. Yeah, I’ve created a website to share knowledge about how to recognize, diagnose, and treat brain injury. It’s relatively easy (though super tiring, draining, exhausting) to research and put together facts, especially since I’ve essentially been doing that since 2005.…

Where Is My Nose Running To?

Rhinitis running to drive me crazy! “vasomotor rhinitis seems to be an exaggeration of the normal nasal response to irritation, occurring at levels of exposure, which doesn’t bother most people.” Vasomotor Rhinitis, Asthma + Respiratory Foundation New Zealand Way, way back my GP told me my non-stop congested nose was traumatic rhinitis. The trauma of…