I still like my Apple iPad but am rather peeved with Apple. I’ve had my iPad for just over a week now. I got it for two main reasons: to see if it could help me in my writing life and if it could improve my functionality, get around my brain injury limitations. I haven’t…
Category: News
Anything new in my life and work or occasionally in the news that’s related to me, my books, or the people I wrote about in “Lifeliner” a biography.
I Haz an Apple iPad
I caved. I bought an iPad. For months, I resisted the hype, the excitement, the rush across the border with so many other Canadians who didn’t want to wait until it was released here in Canada. My computer-savvy Twitter friends told me about more open or open-source computer Tablets coming, about MeeGo and hp having…
Lifeliner eBook listed on Barnes & Noble Website
I’m excited to announce that the eBook version of Lifeliner is now listed on the Barnes & Noble website for the Nook. According to Mashable.com, Barnes & Noble “has gained 20% of the e-book market in just the last year.” On top of that, to answer the competition, they’ve reduced the prices of their Nook…
Joined LinkedIn
I joined LinkedIn. It was inevitable. It just took me awhile to succumb. LinkedIn is the “world’s largest professional network, helping people find and share opportunities every day.” I don’t know exactly how it’ll work for me, but I hear many authors find it useful. In the coming days, I’ll explore more how it works,…
Responding to Self-Publishing Comments by House of Anansi
CBC News interviewed House of Anansi’s Sarah MacLachlan about self-publishing today after a discussion with big-name authors and established publishers at Luminato on the same subject. I think it’s a bit disingenuous to have the big guns talk about something they don’t need and/or they’re in direct competition with. But OK. As I read what…
Brain Injury Awareness Mashup Video
I went to the BIST Brain Injury Awareness Celebration at Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto last Thursday, 17 June 2010, and it was a ton of fun, full of photographic opportunities, amazing artists to meet, clowns to laugh at and be interviewed by, a mesmerising aerial artist, and speakers who moved us. I felt inspired…
Trucking Along with my Writing
Stories are everywhere when you take the time to sit down and talk. But first an update on part of mine. For several months now, I’ve been receiving weekly help to organize my life. I’m at last seeing seeing the dividends, beyond feeling calmer and less like a mouse running, running on a wheel going…
The DRM and Price of eBooks
There has been much discussion between publishers and between pundits about DRM: digital rights management. DRM allows “copyright holders to prevent unauthorized duplication of their work, either to maintain artistic integrity or to ensure continued revenue streams.” (Wikipedia) A book with DRM on it controls where an eBook can be read, how many copies —…
Lifeliner, the eBook, Launched on Smashwords!
“A compelling story.” “Shireen Jeejeebhoy has written an extraordinary account of Judy Taylor and her fight for life starting in the 1970’s when medical science was not as it is today.” “When (Judy) was drugged up, she’s going, ‘I can’t die cause there’s no way that Cliff can raise those three girls by himself. He…