Well, it’s done, the first suitable-for-public-consumption draft of the front cover of my forthcoming novel She. What do you think? I had a different idea for the top part originally. But then I went to shoot the CN Tower from the city side on Easter Sunday. And as I looked through the camera’s viewfinder, I…
Category: News
Anything new in my life and work or occasionally in the news that’s related to me, my books, or the people I wrote about in “Lifeliner” a biography.
She is Almost Done
It’s been awhile since I blogged about my writing progress. You’re probably wondering how it’s going…or not! I’m going to tell ya anyway. To recap, I’ve written two novels during two consecutive National Novel Writing Months in November 2009 and 2010. A year ago, I had written, received feedback on, and revised my first novel…
To canada.com Readers: I Hate Private Health Care Insurance
Listening to my mother reading out loud the comments on my canada.com article, my father interrupted her and said, “Shireen advocate for private insurance? I don’t believe it.” He was right. I didn’t. I advocated for privately operated clinics funded by public insurance. But, as is their wont, people didn’t read my text; they read…
My Health Care Article up on Canada.Com!
Postmedia News, the news service that supplies content for Postmedia newspapers and websites, as well as canada.com, has launched an online election project at canada.com called “The Real Agenda.” The idea is to publish a wide range of voices from across Canada on what Canadians think our politicians should be talking about on the campaign…
I’m on BrainLine!
Brainline.org is one of the best brain injury information websites out there that also has a Twitter feed and Facebook page. A multimedia project between the Seattle PBS station WETA and Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (many veterans return home with concussive brain injuries), BrainLine offers videos, articles, widgets on all sorts of brain-injury…
ScriptFrenzy: Do I?
ScriptFrenzy. Such a strange name. At first, the mind conjures up…nothing. Then this image comes of a writer bent over a desk, pen scratching marks into paper, frenziedly writing pages and pages of script that fly off the desk as they pile up higgledy piggledy. Well, last year, I chose to be that kind of…
And Last Comes the Dreaded Editing
First comes writing, then comes revising, then come the Beta Readers, then comes more revising, and last comes the dreaded editing. That’s what a publisher is supposed to do for a writer: edit. But these days, some advocate the editing step before finding a publisher or agent; other writers do it on their own because…
Holding Over the Lifeliner Amazon Kindle Sale. Today Only!
Read an Ebook Week has ended. But I’m holding over the special Kindle price of my book Lifeliner for one more day! Today! Inspiring, haunting, dramatic, this biography of the woman who could not eat, has it all. “Lifeliner is the amazing, unforgettable story of a young woman who becomes seriously ill at a young…
I Joined Goodreads, The Readers’ Website
This weekend I joined Goodreads. It only took me about a year or so of thinking about it. Part of the issue for me is it’s a site about reading, writers are supposed to read read read, but because of the difficulty I’ve had reading since my brain injury, read read read is not something…