She is Almost Done

It’s been awhile since I blogged about my writing progress. You’re probably wondering how it’s going…or not! I’m going to tell ya anyway. To recap, I’ve written two novels during two consecutive National Novel Writing Months in November 2009 and 2010. A year ago, I had written, received feedback on, and revised my first novel…

I’m on BrainLine! is one of the best brain injury information websites out there that also has a Twitter feed and Facebook page. A multimedia project between the Seattle PBS station WETA and Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (many veterans return home with concussive brain injuries), BrainLine offers videos, articles, widgets on all sorts of brain-injury…

ScriptFrenzy: Do I?

ScriptFrenzy. Such a strange name. At first, the mind conjures up…nothing. Then this image comes of a writer bent over a desk, pen scratching marks into paper, frenziedly writing pages and pages of script that fly off the desk as they pile up higgledy piggledy. Well, last year, I chose to be that kind of…