I’m on BrainLine!

Published Categorised as News, Publishing, Personal

Brainline.org is one of the best brain injury information websites out there that also has a Twitter feed and Facebook page. A multimedia project between the Seattle PBS station WETA and Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (many veterans return home with concussive brain injuries), BrainLine offers videos, articles, widgets on all sorts of brain-injury related subjects from the bascis like a video on what my kind of brain injury is (mild traumatic brain injuries are hardly discussed usually except for reports on the latest hockey concussion) to scientific articles to personal stories to videos on every kind of related subject from social relationships to work. It’s for those with the injuries, their family and friends, professionals, or those who are just interested. It’s easy to navigate too. It always amazes me that some brain-injury websites are so hard to read and navigate. I often wonder if they think people with brain injuries would never read their sites because, you know, us injured people are too vegetative and stupid to do that and would rely on others to do it for us.

Anyway, BrainLine asked me to contribute to their site! Right out of the blue, I received an email asking permission to reprint four of my articles — from the personal to my research on how brain injury can affect diabetes, the heart, and internal functioning — that I’d published on this website and also offering to publish a page on me with links back to jeejeebhoy.ca. Wow! What an honour. I said yes, of course. I hope I recognize an opportunity when I see one.

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Please go check out my new BrainLine page and my articles. And let me know what you think!