It’s been a roller coaster the last few months of hope and regression. I got a taste of what having more GABA in my brain means to good functionality. But then I was tossed out of the research trial in which I’d received the GABA-boosting research medication and the commercially available previous version didn’t work…
Category: News
Anything new in my life and work or occasionally in the news that’s related to me, my books, or the people I wrote about in “Lifeliner” a biography.
“Concussion is Brain Injury” in Editing
I’ve been blogging on closed head injury, the kind of brain injury I sustained in January 2000, since 2009. Recently, I was prodded rather strongly to write a book on the subject, and so I gathered together my blog posts and along with Greg, came up with a structure for such a book. I asked…
Going into Camp NaNo Deficit
It was a tough week, writing wise. I was having trouble with where my teen romance novel was going; worse, I was having trouble with how to navigate the writing life in Canada itself. As many of you may not know, there is anti-female writer and anti-visible minority bias on the part of reviewers (and…
Has It Been Eleven Days of Camp NaNo Already?
My, time flies when you’re novelling or rather dragging your feet as your fingers make futile efforts to type. On the up side, though I fell behind in word count, though I sank into a lull, though I wanted to chuck the whole thing, I only ever missed one day of writing. And I’m pretty…
Camp NaNoWriMo: The First Days
I am once again blogging at Google + on my writing experience during a NaNoWriMo event, this time Camp NaNoWriMo. I’ve never participated in Camp NaNo before, and it’s different from the November event fer sure. It’s casual and uses camping motifs. I’m not posting every day like I did before, but here are the…
Writing, Revising, and Heat
Camp NaNoWriMo (or as I like to shorten it, Camp NaNo) is in two days, and I ain’t ready, not by a half mile, I ain’t. I’m also awake too early. You’d think those two sentences would mean I could get my Camp bus in gear and set off. Nope. Instead I’m punchy from lack…
Camp NaNoWriMo?
I’m thinking of doing Camp NaNo. In 2009, I wrote my first novel She during National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo as it’s popularly called. It was just the thing I needed to help me write as my brain injury had robbed me of initiation, of the thing that gets you organized and doing things.…
Does a National Strategy on Mental Health Have Any Meaning in Canada?
The Mental Health Commission of Canada has released its National Strategy report. It took them five years to compile and write it. I understand that they had two Chairmen — the original one resigned. I’ve heard several interviews with the second Chairman, a physician, and the original Chairman, a Senator, and I caught a snippet…
Time and Space Novel Revisions Continue
I revised Time and Space back in March for typos and little things that my Beta Readers had picked up on. And then I became distracted. Other priorities popped up, or maybe I should say screamed more for my attention. Plus, to be honest, I didn’t feel up to the task of revising Time and…