One of the things about being an author with a website is that you often use affiliate links to link directly to your book on the various bookstore websites. Affiliate links are links that (a) take a web surfer directly to your book page or book ordering page and (b) if the web surfer purchases…
Category: Marketing
Events, activities, and news related to marketing my books.
Mini Book Expo Claim, Malaysian Health Journalist, and Housekeeping News
Awhile ago, I wrote about submitting Lifeliner to Mini Book Expo. I submitted it in the hopes of getting more exposure for my book, but not really thinking that as a self-published author I had much of a chance of having Lifeliner claimed. When I received an e-mail asking me if I’d ship a copy…
Now Writing on Squidoo!
How does a writer make money in this modern world? The question becomes even more puzzling when you factor in a lack of stamina and fatiguing problems, like I have. Lifeliner is selling but not well enough to earn a steady income. Other traditional ways for a writer to earn a living include selling articles…
Another Good Review!
I’m starting to feel like a critically acclaimed movie: lots of good words, not the commensurate number of sales. Still, the review of Lifeliner I just stumbled across was a real upper. When I searched for “jeejeebhoy” on, I did a double take when I saw next to the title of my book “4…
On Authors Blogs
Authors Blogs is a listing of those who write and those who blog about writing. Their motto is “It’s hard to write. It’s hard to blog. If you do both, you belong here.” They believe I do as I’ve just been approved! They list in alphabetical order by the first word of your name.
A Good Gift for Mother’s Day
Thank goodness for a timely phone call about Mother’s Day and the suggestion that maybe my book would be a good gift for that special day. Back before the shit hit the fan, I had mapped out the special days that Lifeliner would be good for, and one of the obvious ones was Mother’s Day.…
Lifeliner Featured on Reader Views
It’s a big day! My book Lifeliner is featured on the main page of Reader Views all this week, starting today. There’s a synopsis, images, and links to more information and what they thought of it. Please pass the word on to your friends, family, neighbours. It’s a good feature and an interesting site to…
Lifeliner Featured on Reader Views
It’s a big day! My book Lifeliner is featured on the main page of Reader Views all this week, starting today. There’s a synopsis, images, and links to more information and what they thought of it. And, as well, a press release has gone out to the world, telling all and sundry about Lifeliner. Actually…
Now on AuthorNation!
I’m pleased to announce that I’ve joined AuthorNation, a place for authors, writers, poets, and their readers. I’ve already received a warm welcome from community members, and I like what it offers. But it’s more than just a place to promote Lifeliner. It’s well designed and set up to read new stuff easily, and, for…