Updated Bio on Dr. KN Jeejeebhoy

I updated my biographical sketch on my father Dr. Khursheed N. Jeejeebhoy. I added in some new info, as I try to keep up with his changing projects and work, and, as well, I updated the list of recent news articles he’s appeared in. Check it out!

Connecting to Community

I spread my presence across the bookstore Net and then realised I was overextended. I signed up for Amazon Connect awhile ago. It’s similar to chapters.indigo.ca Community; in fact the Community is probably a take-off of Connect. I tried to stay current with both, but in the end, especially after all of Amazon’s shenanigans, I’ve…

I Have A Facebook Page!

It’s taken me awhile, but I figured it’s about time I created a Facebook Page, a feature Facebook created for artists, including writers about a year ago. I’ve finally realised that Pages are a good idea. They’re compact, easy to read, and good to look at. A FB Page allows me to have the latest…