iPad Thoughts

The iPad is a nifty device. Seemingly a toy before you buy, with its bright screen and magazine size, it quickly replaces one’s computer for regular chores like e-mailing, keeping up with Twitter, managing one’s schedule, surfing, reading. It’s more portable and lasts longer on battery power than a laptop. And unlike a computer, it…

I Haz an Apple iPad

I caved. I bought an iPad. For months, I resisted the hype, the excitement, the rush across the border with so many other Canadians who didn’t want to wait until it was released here in Canada. My computer-savvy Twitter friends told me about more open or open-source computer Tablets coming, about MeeGo and hp having…

New Year, New Website

Since I have at last completed my second novel and submitted it to publisher and agent for consideration, I thought it was time to update my website. Besides which, the style the 2009 version was based on was no longer supported by its creator. I like the new style or theme that the new website…

brainline.org Wins a Freddie

The Freddie Awards were born of the notion by one man that “I can do better than that” and another man challenging him to do just that. Over 30 years later, that challenge has become a film festival that attracts hundreds of entries from around the world, showcasing medical films and websites. This year, brainline.org…

The Twitter Question

What is Twitter? Several media folk, in print or on TV or radio, have attempted to answer that question, and they usually say something typical like, “Posts, also called tweets, can range from the mundane (“Stuck in traffic”) to the heart of the human experience (“Tears. We’re having twin girls!”) There also can be too…