I had eye surgery to improve my reading and had rather . . . unexpected results. Full left to right panoramic vision Peripheral vision on both sides, not just one Depth perception I thought I had but apparently not because suddenly objects had crannies and hills I hadn’t seen before Details! So many more details…
Category: Health
Writings on health and nutrition, the health care system, doctors and therapists, heck, anything to do with health.
Eye Surgery for Reading
Having had a closed head injury type of brain injury aka concussion, I didn’t go through the in-hospital and surgical experiences those with skull breakage do. Although I’ve had scans, sat for hours in waiting rooms to see umpteen specialists, I haven’t had an invasive or surgical procedure since my brain injury. I will soon.…
Graphic Wordless Novel Reading Rehab After Brain Injury: An Update
I’ve settled into a pattern of reading the wordless graphic novel Cinema Panopticum. Once a week, I read 8 pages and get a concentration headache during it. Afterward I do something mindless until I recover my energy. It’s good! Each page has from one to four pencil sketch panels. I take in a panel as…
A Positive Beat in Heart Rate with Concussion Treatment
It was extremely difficult not to bounce up and down in my chair, point at the screen, and scream to my brain trainer: “Look! Look! 77!!! My heart rate has dropped down to what it used to be!!! Holy shit, man!” That 77 heart rate lasted maybe a few seconds then it rose up a…
My First Talk on Writing After Brain Injury
For years, I’d overheard conversations about CHIRS at BIST meetings but didn’t exactly know what it was, other than it seemed to be a place where people with brain injury hung out. When CCAC discharged me – for arbitrary time reasons not because I no longer needed community care – on the contrary I needed…
Reading Rehab Experiment: Reading a Wordless Graphic Novel
The psychology prof I meet with occasionally to discuss reading suggested an experiment: read a wordless graphic novel. He loaned me Cinema Panopticum by Thomas Ott. We had been discussing how the brain takes in information one word at a time and then processes the same bits of information but combined in another area. The…
CZ Brain Training, Email, and Reading my Own Book
Sorry about the slowness in getting this post out. CZ SMR retraining is going well. We’re retraining my brain at the top centre of it to produce more brainwaves at the 12–15Hz or SMR range. When you’re calm, relaxed and focused, that’s SMR at the CZ. We’ve done five sessions with two screens of (re)training.…
The Beast of Brain Injury Anger Shows Up During Biofeedback
Rage, anger, fury: these are the emotions people with brain injury are excoriated for. While I was in the middle of SMIRB last week, the next client walked in and actually TALKED TO ME! Like, was he blind?! Closed door. Electrode on head. Writing. Apparently, his need to know where the biofeedback trainer was trumped…
A Change Up in Neurofeedback Protocol to Help My Reading Rehab
As I think I mentioned before, we began changing up my brain biofeedback protocol because of the emotional tides sweeping through me as PTSD takes its toll. Honestly, it’s bad enough I have to treat my brain injury to read again, now I have to overcome PTSD too. Humph. Since gamma brainwave enhancement reduces the…