Spontaneous Brain Injury Healing Notes

Spontaneous healing of brain injury does continue after effective treatments end. A doctor observing these improvements helps patients keep working at their home therapy.

Blood Pressure Revisited

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

To figure out out what to do about my yo-yoing blood pressure, we have to look at my coping skills (fine), the actual stress I’m under (situational, emotional, physical, mental), my physical parameters (weight, diet, exercise), and how my brain has affected the whole shebang.

Low Back on Twitchy Strike

What does the low back do? You quickly find out when it goes on strike aka locks up, tightens on every movement, or contracts back and abdominal muscles suddenly.

Screen Time Is Me Time

But is it? Isn’t screen time more like social time? How do you manage screen time for yourself? I don’t have timers or use apps that block surfing or social media. I have a routine instead. Way way back, I used to take one day off from all things digital and computer because my “addiction”…

Lazy or Resting?

“Lazy days” connotes slow summertime, feet propped up, a book in hand. But is it really resting? Do lazy days make you feel rested or unproductive? In the time before brain injury, lazy days felt like a reward for a week filled with study, reports, phone calls, meetings, and meeting expectations and deadlines. They usually…