Back to biofeedback. I was ready! Well, that was the theory. We’re easing me back in at once every other week schedule. So far, my CNIB orientation mobility trainer has guided and walked with me to it for less and less of the way each time without me actually attending an appointment. This week he…
Category: Brain Power
Musings on what makes for a powerful brain. This category also includes the sub-category Brain Health, which covers all things related to brain injury.
Walking Progress Update 5 Months Post-Eye Surgery in a Life with Brain Injury
Almost three weeks ago, we came to the next phase in my return to independence: riding the bus alone. Eep! “A round trip,” my CNIB orientation and mobility trainer replied, “you don’t have to get off — all you have to do is sit and not throw up!” Um, OK. My CNIB (Canadian National Institute…
New Relearning Challenges Post-Eye Surgery Complicated by the Brain Injury
I wrote previously about my vision changes since my brain injury and how eye surgery 11 weeks accelerated them to give me binocular vision, proper depth perception, improved facial perception, enhanced colour perception, and new vision for details and distance. But with dramatically improved eyesight comes the need to adapt. In the Bible, Jesus healed…
Eye Surgery Post Brain Injury and the Vision is Amazing
I had eye surgery to improve my reading and had rather . . . unexpected results. Full left to right panoramic vision Peripheral vision on both sides, not just one Depth perception I thought I had but apparently not because suddenly objects had crannies and hills I hadn’t seen before Details! So many more details…
Eye Surgery for Reading
Having had a closed head injury type of brain injury aka concussion, I didn’t go through the in-hospital and surgical experiences those with skull breakage do. Although I’ve had scans, sat for hours in waiting rooms to see umpteen specialists, I haven’t had an invasive or surgical procedure since my brain injury. I will soon.…
Graphic Wordless Novel Reading Rehab After Brain Injury: An Update
I’ve settled into a pattern of reading the wordless graphic novel Cinema Panopticum. Once a week, I read 8 pages and get a concentration headache during it. Afterward I do something mindless until I recover my energy. It’s good! Each page has from one to four pencil sketch panels. I take in a panel as…
A Positive Beat in Heart Rate with Concussion Treatment
It was extremely difficult not to bounce up and down in my chair, point at the screen, and scream to my brain trainer: “Look! Look! 77!!! My heart rate has dropped down to what it used to be!!! Holy shit, man!” That 77 heart rate lasted maybe a few seconds then it rose up a…
Another Piece to Reading Puzzle After Brain Injury
I met again with the psychology prof who has helped me discover more pieces to my reading puzzle as I work to unravel why I have so much trouble reading after brain injury. To recap: I have a diffuse injury, and so many areas involved in reading were damaged. But some areas were not. My…
Reading Wordless Graphic Novels a Two-Fer for Brain Injury Rehab
Another day, another six minutes doing my reading homework. I’m now doing two stints (well, one, most days in these last hellish crowdfunding days) of reading homework daily: one, reading paragraphs from an article assigned by my neurodoc and one “reading” the wordless graphic novel the psychology prof loaned me. I just had a revelation…