I’ve gotten to the point in my brain biofeedback training where no major new insights or developments are happening. I’m close to completing 40 sessions, which triggers a progress assessment to see how I’m doing. With the Christmas holidays coming up, I’ll be doing that in January. Meanwhile we’ll continue the sessions because I haven’t…
Category: Brain Health
Writings on brain injuries, remedies, and interesting tidbits, from the perspective of one who suffered a closed head injury and didn’t lose consciousness. Mild brain injuries are injuries too.
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: Energy Rises!
I'm starting to get a handle on this thermoregulation thing. I knew I was burning up yet at other times I’d be cold in my core without having a sense of outside temp (except, of course, in a January blizzard). I'd go see the doc, who after me having me sit in his waiting room…
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: Heart Rate and Mobility
On the way to my first brain biofeedback session since NaNoWriMo began, I wondered if writing fiction every morning for six days straight would've improved my gamma output. Maybe, maybe not, was the answer. But what really struck my trainer was how my heart rate had dropped: all the way to the low 100s. Most…
Gamma Brain Biofeedback: A Circuit Reconnects
Numbers don't tell the whole story. They may stubbornly keep dropping then rising then dropping, yet improvements blossom in the brain. A big one for me last week. It dawned on me all of a sudden that I may be able to organize an event. It's not that I haven't tried since my brain injury,…
“Concussion is Brain Injury” is Coming!
Not much new in gamma brain biofeedback land, except that I keep trucking along. And I really need to try and go twice a week again. It isn’t so much my schedule that’s the problem, but my energy levels within my schedule. I will have to figure out a solution! On the exciting front: my…
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: Reading
I'm starting to think gamma brainwaves may be the key to fixing cognitive reading issues. These are the kinds of issues that include taking in, processing, synthesizing, learning (not the ability to recognize letters but also includes access to vocabulary). When I began biofeedback in 2005, the ADD Centre was able to tell me why…
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: A Bit of a Rant
Emotional stress raises my heart rate about 15 beats per minute. Biofeedback and HRV training has a harder time dropping it than under normal circumstances. Something to think about when you're under emotional stress. Docs talk about lowering your blood pressure with medications; they wag their finger about reducing your risk of heart attack. In…
Gamma Brain Biofeedback: Does It Help One Cope?
The stress keeps on piling on. Isn't there a song about that? Maybe if I moved to that mountain next to Hwy 2 in the Yukon, I wouldn't have any more stress and I could just chill without having to cope and cope and cope. Anyway, according to heart and EEG readings, I'm coping well.…
Gamma Brain Biofeedback: Hearts and Minds
There are days when I get all rebellious and say f'it I wanna work on this and work for as long as I like. I'm tired being a good girl, taking care of my health, managing my energy the way I'm supposed to. Then I end up in front of the biofeedback computer watching my…