Where Is My Nose Running To?

Rhinitis running to drive me crazy! “vasomotor rhinitis seems to be an exaggeration of the normal nasal response to irritation, occurring at levels of exposure, which doesn’t bother most people.” Vasomotor Rhinitis, Asthma + Respiratory Foundation New Zealand Way, way back my GP told me my non-stop congested nose was traumatic rhinitis. The trauma of…

Three-Week Concussion Treatment Update

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series May 2021 Brain Injury

The horror fest of concussion recovery, a job nobody wants, contains dramatic improvements. As I continue the treatment protocol I outlined in my last post, my reading is almost back to normal. I doubled my reading time on Sunday to 16 minutes without experiencing dizziness or nausea. Unfortunately, a concentration headache comes on with reading…


Twenty-one used to be the age of majority — still is in some states. Today, I’ve attained the age of majority in brain injury. Wheeee! I could feel that pain rising up yesterday. It didn’t portend well for today. So I planned to read first thing. Reading does me good. Physiologically. Neurophysiologically. Psychologically. Brainwaves and…