I’m jumping up and down yet figuratively biting my nails. Today, I’m taking a step I didn’t think I ever would. Today, I’m trying crowdfunding! Oh boy. It’s a big risk because you’re asking people to put their cash towards launching your books out of your computer and into print, to take what only you…
Category: Books
Pre-Launch Countdown to Updating Concussion Is Brain Injury
I know, I know, I said I would update Concussion Is Brain Injury regularly, and it’s been three years. Eek! But a brain in flux plus a publishing system in flux equals I’m updating it now. Or hope to! As regular readers may recall, I wrote Concussion Is Brain Injury in 2012 to inspire people, to…
Concussion: The Movie Starring Will Smith
As I mentioned last week, I went to see a movie: Concussion. I couldn’t remember what it was about nor did I bother looking it up. So I had no idea what to expect when it began. I liked it. The camera angles, the use of music, the juxtaposition of beauty hiding violence, the suspense…
Sixteen Years Since my Brain Injury
So. My 16th anniversary of the car crash that scattered my life into ashes is now. That crash didn’t only give me a brain injury, it also led to events that gave me PTSD. From my experience, PTSD is a monster that feeds on the worst of human thoughts and beliefs and lifts up a…
NaNoWriMo: Chapter 4 on Twitter
Chapter 4 sees Chantie take BobbyFlax up on his offer to help her learn to navigate the Twittersphere. Chantie Chapter 4 SJ
NaNoWriMo: Chapter 3 on Twitter
A little bit of a hiccup in the Twitter timeline. But it’s early days, and so I was able to redo @BobbyFlax’s tweets. Here then is the Twitter portion of Chapter 3 of my #nanowrimo novel in progress, Chantie: Chantie Chapter 3 SJ
NaNoWriMo 2014: Chapter 2 on Twitter
So far, my Twitter experiment is working out. I write my chapter; go rest, eat, drink; think over whether I should tweet out a few excerpts through my own account; decide yeah, extra work but good for the readers; type out my tweets and my characters tweets into a separate document; think them over: did…
NaNoWriMo 2014 Begins . . . on Twitter
I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to participate in National Novel Writing Month, which I have since 2009, this year. The thought was disturbing. But my muse came to the rescue. It said: locate a novel on Twitter. Make it a mystery. You figure out the rest. Well, I did. And though…
Distraction Therapy, Twitter’s Great Strength
Distraction therapy is a time-honoured, doctor-endorsed way to cope with pain of all kinds, chronic illness, lifelong injuries, basically 24/7 health problems that drive you bonkers if you don’t find some way to separate your mind from them even if it’s only doable for a minute. Judy Taylor, the woman who couldn’t eat and suffered…