Not much new in gamma brain biofeedback land, except that I keep trucking along. And I really need to try and go twice a week again. It isn’t so much my schedule that’s the problem, but my energy levels within my schedule. I will have to figure out a solution! On the exciting front: my…
Category: Books
Camp NaNo: The Final Push
I got a little antsy last week. First I’d gone into Camp NaNo word count deficit, then I’d recovered and gotten ahead, but then I took a look at this week’s schedule and went Eek! How was I ever going to write and keep up with all that I’d scheduled? There’s a reason you’re supposed…
“Concussion is Brain Injury” in Editing
I’ve been blogging on closed head injury, the kind of brain injury I sustained in January 2000, since 2009. Recently, I was prodded rather strongly to write a book on the subject, and so I gathered together my blog posts and along with Greg, came up with a structure for such a book. I asked…
Writing, Revising, and Heat
Camp NaNoWriMo (or as I like to shorten it, Camp NaNo) is in two days, and I ain’t ready, not by a half mile, I ain’t. I’m also awake too early. You’d think those two sentences would mean I could get my Camp bus in gear and set off. Nope. Instead I’m punchy from lack…
Camp NaNoWriMo?
I’m thinking of doing Camp NaNo. In 2009, I wrote my first novel She during National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo as it’s popularly called. It was just the thing I needed to help me write as my brain injury had robbed me of initiation, of the thing that gets you organized and doing things.…
Time and Space Novel Revisions Continue
I revised Time and Space back in March for typos and little things that my Beta Readers had picked up on. And then I became distracted. Other priorities popped up, or maybe I should say screamed more for my attention. Plus, to be honest, I didn’t feel up to the task of revising Time and…
Diving Back In To “Time and Space”
I’m about to restart revising my third novel Time and Space. And I must say I’m finding it daunting. I did the easy stuff a few weeks ago – typos, small mistakes, things like that – and promptly got sidetracked. But it’s time now to answer some big questions my Beta Readers posed, which means…
Finalist for The Word Guild Awards
I’m pleased to announce that my novel She has been shortlisted in the Novel – Futuristic category in The Word Guild Awards. “On June 13, The Word Guild will present Canada’s top Christian writing awards for 2012, rewarding the best in Christian writing during 2011. Awards Administrator Mary Ann Benjamins reports a record of almost…
Read An E-Book Week Is Here And So Are Hot Deals On My E-Books!
March 4 to 10 is Read An E-Book Week! To celebrate, Smashwords is running a promotion all week, and I’m pleased to announce that I’ve enrolled all my ebooks in it. To participate as a reader, all you have to do is go to Smashwords, choose any or all of my ebooks, enter the appropriate…