Judy feels good. She dives into community and family life after learning a skill she never needed in Toronto: driving. She becomes active in the local church, joining the choir, volunteering in the office, being the first to offer to cook the main meal for an event. And she joins the pastoral team to visit…
Category: Lifeliner
Anything to do with my first book “Lifeliner” a biography.
Lifeliner: Chapter 17 Podcast, Barbecue Season
Time to celebrate! Judy had told Jeej that she wanted to thank him by throwing a barbecue, and she’s true to her word. She invites all of us too, Jeej’s family. I’m almost ten years old at the time, and I’m excited about meeting this amazing woman. I not only meet her, but also the…
Lifeliner: Chapter 16 Podcast, Essential Fat
They said fat was bad. They said fat will lead to a fatty liver. They said fat, intravenous fat, was toxic. But when Judy came to Jeej with flaky skin after he took her off intravenous fat, he finally had the proof he needed. Fat was good. The experts were wrong. At last, a Canadian…
Lifeliner: Chapter 15 Podcast, Supply Run
The hospital pharmacy provides Judy with only 2 weeks worth of food at a time. So twice a month, Judy bakes cookies, Cliff hitches up his homemade trailer, and they drive down to the city, down the Parkway, down to Toronto General Hospital to pick up her solutions and vitamins, her cold stuff and room…
Lifeliner: Chapter 14 Podcast, A Different Kind of Dinnertime
Judy mayn’t be able to eat, but she lives to cook. Having at last returned home from spending 10 months in the hospital, she eagerly resumes her purpose: to nurture and care for her family, especially at dinnertime. And Sunday dinners are the most special of them all. Chapter Fourteen: A Different Kind of Dinnertime
Last Day Lifeliner eBook on Sale!
To finish the old year with a flourish, I have put Lifeliner on sale. Only $2.99! An inspirational story about a woman who suffered the catastrophic loss of all her bowels but whooped it up for another 20 years without eating a morsel, it is gripping readers all around the world. It will light up…
Reading Any DRM-Free ePub on iPod Touch, iPad, or iPhone
In honour of all the lucky ducks who got a new iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone, Kindle, or Sony or Kobo or Nook Reader, I’m offering Lifeliner at an amazing 99¢ through Smashwords. But how do you get the eBook onto your device, you’re probably wondering. Easy — because Lifeliner is DRM-free, meaning there’s no digital…
Lifeliner: Chapter 13 Podcast, Going Home with Lester
Jeej, still riding high on the good news that Judy will be able to live at home, ponders how to disconnect her from her artificial feeding so that she can go out and about. He and his residents solve that problem, only to see Judy have an unexpected setback in her test results. It puzzles…
Lifeliner: Chapter 12 Podcast, Easter Tidings
It’s a drizzly Easter Monday as Jeej walks to the hospital. But the weather is no match for his mood. He has good news for Judy, but she doesn’t know it yet. When she hears, and later shares with Cliff, they can hardly believe it. The miracle that they had all been working towards —…