For years, I’d overheard conversations about CHIRS at BIST meetings but didn’t exactly know what it was, other than it seemed to be a place where people with brain injury hung out. When CCAC discharged me – for arbitrary time reasons not because I no longer needed community care – on the contrary I needed…
Category: Concussion is Brain Injury
Midway Through the Crowdfunding Campaign, and It’s Getting Hairy!
I want to publicly thank the many people who have encouraged and supported me in my efforts to update Concussion Is Brain Injury. Your kind words have lifted me up and kept me going. However, I’ve hit a bit of a roadblock and need your help to climb over it. Today’s publishing world is moving…
Crowdfunding for Concussion Is Brain Injury Crawling Along
Crowdfunding is so risky. You’re seeing if anyone is interested in reading your book before you even put it out, or in the case of my biography/memoir Concussion Is Brain Injury, if anyone is interested in reading an update. Many indie authors are excited about crowdfunding, but I always was wary. I’ve taken risks with…
CZ Brain Training, Email, and Reading my Own Book
Sorry about the slowness in getting this post out. CZ SMR retraining is going well. We’re retraining my brain at the top centre of it to produce more brainwaves at the 12–15Hz or SMR range. When you’re calm, relaxed and focused, that’s SMR at the CZ. We’ve done five sessions with two screens of (re)training.…
Launching Crowdfunding for Concussion Is Brain Injury
I’m jumping up and down yet figuratively biting my nails. Today, I’m taking a step I didn’t think I ever would. Today, I’m trying crowdfunding! Oh boy. It’s a big risk because you’re asking people to put their cash towards launching your books out of your computer and into print, to take what only you…
Pre-Launch Countdown to Updating Concussion Is Brain Injury
I know, I know, I said I would update Concussion Is Brain Injury regularly, and it’s been three years. Eek! But a brain in flux plus a publishing system in flux equals I’m updating it now. Or hope to! As regular readers may recall, I wrote Concussion Is Brain Injury in 2012 to inspire people, to…
Concussion: The Movie Starring Will Smith
As I mentioned last week, I went to see a movie: Concussion. I couldn’t remember what it was about nor did I bother looking it up. So I had no idea what to expect when it began. I liked it. The camera angles, the use of music, the juxtaposition of beauty hiding violence, the suspense…
Sixteen Years Since my Brain Injury
So. My 16th anniversary of the car crash that scattered my life into ashes is now. That crash didn’t only give me a brain injury, it also led to events that gave me PTSD. From my experience, PTSD is a monster that feeds on the worst of human thoughts and beliefs and lifts up a…
PTSD, Getting Real, and the Fakery of Being Positive
Your smile and laugh have changed, my brain biofeedback trainer told me today. They’re real, she said. It’s true, I’m not faking emotions nearly as much or using my intellect to boost them to normal levels like I used to have to. She’s known me since 2005, and I’ve gradually been able to laugh more…