Third SMR/Gamma Mind Alive Session

This morning, my body entered deep relaxation for a few minutes during my usual SMR/Beta audiovisual entrainment session. That normally doesn’t happen. Huh. Does this change support my theory of gamma brainwaves I posited in my book Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me? My brain is settling down into this new audiovisual…

Five 5-Star Reviews of Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me!

Amazon 5-star reviews are like gold. Amazon has very strict guidelines on who can review your book like my memoir Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me. It’s rather confusing, but the fundamental principle of you can’t tell them what to write is one I abide by anyway because what’s the point of…

Ground Hog Day?

BrainGirlAndCat does video blogging. She used to be on Twitter, and I came to know her through BIST, I think. The Brain Injury Society of Toronto recently tweeted out her latest video. BIST (@BrainInjuryTO) 2019-07-08, 9:45 AM “Every day is like Ground Hog Day,” From her home in Ireland, Brain Girl shares the story about…