Low-Intensity Laser Therapy for COVID-19

Published Categorised as Health, Personal

Back in December 2019, during Christmas break, I developed an unusual pneumonia and turned to my low-intensity laser therapy unit to help me breathe.

I’d been in close contact with someone whose wife had a pneumonia that was stumping doctors and who himself had a cough. The cough was easily attributable to a long-standing cause. I’ve had pneumonia and bronchitis so many times, I’ve lost count. That’s why in 2018, I got the Prevnar-13 vaccine even though our cheap medicare won’t pay for it. The vaccine had already protected me from catching a sinus infection from an unwitting carrier. So I believed that day I was protected and safe from catching pneumonia.

because of antibiotics, anti-virals, and vaccines, we’ve become a people blasé about infectious disease

When I began to feel mild symptoms, I thought this was not too bad. Pneumonia usually lays me flat. It’s a nasty disease that kills. Public health has failed us by not publicizing that. Antibiotics had long since stopped helping me with it and bronchitis — they gave me thrush instead. I’d turned to acupuncture when I discovered by accident how it helped me breathe easier. But I had no access to acupuncture in 2019. Anyway, it was Christmas week and so far this strange pneumonia was nothing compared to what I was used to. Score one for the vaccine!

Then I began to suffocate.

I cannot describe how shit-scary that is. I’ve had asthma attacks where I’ve coughed and coughed so much that I couldn’t inhale. I thought that was frightening.

It was a strange feeling. It’s like my lungs simply didn’t move. No expansion. No breath.

The vaccine was working, but this was no normal pneumonia that the vaccine probably wasn’t designed to protect against.

Ramryge angels at Gloucester Cathedral, England

Brain injury grief is

extraordinary grief

research proves

needs healing.

Since breathing keeps you alive, the brain sends alarm signals when you struggle to get air in. Louder and louder alarms.

I began to fear I’d never get better; I feared dying; I thought about what was going on. I knew I had inflammation in my lungs. How to reduce or get rid of the inflammation?

I knew low-intensity laser therapy treats inflammation, but none of my prescription protocols were for asthma or lung inflammation. I hadn’t needed it. I thought about my neck protocol, which treats me systemically. But I didn’t think a systemic treatment would necessarily reduce lung inflammation. It could help or potentiate direct lung treatment. But what I really needed was direct treatment. Meditech had advised using one of the pre-programmed protocols for shingles pain a couple years earlier, and it had worked. Also, I’ve developed a bit of a DIY approach to my health care with no one collaborating and brain injury medical care sucking so much. It’s why I created a brain injury website, to share my experiences and research on brain injury treatments that work.


So I went through the general preprogrammed protocols in my low-intensity laser therapy unit and found one for inflammation.

Close enough.

I placed the array with the diodes over one lung, vertically. I might have checked an anatomy illustration for placement accuracy, and I ensured it didn’t go over my spine. The non-prescription protocols are longer than my prescription ones. But any amount of time sitting with red and infrared lights beaming healing into you is worth it. I placed the light array over my second lung when the first had received stage one red and infrared therapy, and repeated the treatment.

I breathed.

Felt rather miraculous.

Maybe that’s why ICUs, physicians, experts don’t use neurostimulation therapies or non-chemical and non-surgical ones like low-intensity laser therapy although they should. These therapies work so quickly and without side effects (except fatigue and lower blood pressure) that it seems unbelievable.

Laser Therapy can be instituted immediately, and the effects will be apparent both systemically and locally as soon as therapy has been initiated.

Fred Kahn, MD, FRCS(C), BioFlex Laser Therapy in the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection

With antibiotics and vaccines working so well for decades, medicine has stopped innovating or adopting innovations in treating the brain, inflammation, viruses, and so on.

Now that governments and public health have given up on protecting people from COVID-19 and the sick have to care for themselves at home, home units become critical for staying healthy, recovering, and staving off disability and death as best as possible. The pandemic brought brain injury isolation to the public in 2020. Today, it’s bringing being abandoned by the medical system and having to treat yourself like those of us with brain injury. I use my audiovisual entrainment to keep my COVID-19-induced anxiety under control and it and my low-intensity laser therapy to keep my body and brain ticking along. I continue to experience brain injury improvement.

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It took me years to start bucking the medical rules and start looking for advanced medicine to heal my brain injury. But those fighting COVID-19 don’t have that luxury. Luckily, clinicians outside of the 20th century, insurance-driven stultifying medical system are investigating how to use low-intensity laser therapy for COVID-19.

Lungs affected by the virus are severely inflamed, filled with viscous fluid, and are surrounded by fibrotic and necrotic tissue which severely limits the exchange of gases. The lungs are inelastic and forcing expansion can lead to disastrous results. Clearly, even in the best of hands, this [mechanical respiration and intubation] may not be a rational or an elegant approach, although generally applied with the best of intentions.

On the other hand, Laser Therapy has been established over the past 50 years and consistently accelerates the healing process in tissue. With regard to the COVID-19 pathologies in the lungs, the following physiological effects conferred by Laser Therapy would be of immense value i.e.:

-Elevation of the immune response.

-Potent anti-inflammatory effect.

-Improved metabolism of the individual cells.

-Increased production of endorphins.

-Regeneration of new cells.

-Restoration of normal structure and function of existing cells.

-Increased cortisol production which is the precursor of cortisone within the body.

Numerous additional physiological activities which are highly beneficial occur concomitantly. Both local and systemic effects are actualized, and these represent significant factors in the healing process.

Fred Kahn, MD, FRCS(C), BioFlex Laser Therapy in the Treatment of COVID-19 Infection