Brain Injury Website Soft Launch!

Published Categorised as News, Books, Concussion is Brain Injury
Screenshot of brain injury website showing the home page with education diagnosis and treatment tiles visible

Good news! My brain injury website soft launch is here!! My pandemic project, an idea brewing in my head for almost a decade, bits and pieces written over a long time, all coming together.

When I wrote Concussion Is Brain Injury, I saved the related-name domains, intending to expand the book into a website. A revised edition later in 2017, Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me, intensified my desire to put all my learnings together on one site. But my energy is limited, and life, TTC, and medical appointments sucked it so that I didn’t have enough left in the bottom of that well to create a website.

Enter the pandemic.

Everything cancelled.

Camp NaNoWriMo arrived.

And then Tori Stranges of Shift Concussion Management approached me about a blog post.

Screenshot of brain injury website showing the home page with just its header showing

I knew then time to make this website happen!

I’m pleased that I can finally announce the soft launch of Concussion Is Brain Injury, the website. It’s not only about concussion; it’s about all kinds of brain injury, for the disparate causes lead to the same problem: a malfunctioning brain that needs understanding, diagnosis, and healing. Since I believe knowledge is empowering healing, I want to share my knowledge and research with others so that they, too, can heal from their brain injury, no matter the initiating cause of it.

Ramryge angels at Gloucester Cathedral, England

Brain injury grief is

extraordinary grief

research proves

needs healing.

It’s a soft launch because I still have a lot left to do and I need feedback from a wider audience to see what I need to tweak before I feel confident enough to launch it to the wider public.

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Please check it out at Send me your feedback, questions, or comments. Share it with people who you think could benefit or could provide constructive feedback. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!