Where do I begin? My ShopHERE Solutions Leader and myself have been meeting regularly to work on my shop. We’ve accomplished a lot. The work’s not done yet!

Two new face coverings!
Roses for a pretty sight.
And Blue Whale bones for a dramatic, evening look.
We’ve worked on SEO: search engine optimization. The bane of my website life. It’s taken us weeks to figure it out, from writing copy just for Google so it likes the product pages as it crawls them to telling Google about my shop’s sitemap aka where all my pages are so it’ll re-index my shop. I have no idea why Google dumped my site out of its search indexing; we got it back in, phew, though Google is taking its sweet old time to discover all the shop pages.
But it’s not all in vain. As I develop a concussion website, this learning will help me ensure Google sees and indexes my new site. Meanwhile, Shopify refuses to admit they have a bug in one of their features, which may’ve been why Google tossed my ShopHERE shop out of indexing. “Take it out,” Shopify told my Solutions Leader. That’ll solve the problem! Yeah, charge me in USD as I sell in Canadian dollars and don’t fix your bugs! Sure, that’ll not fix my problem, only yours. Sheesh.

Being an artist, I don’t have all the same contact ways businesses do for security and privacy reasons. Today, we added Chat.
Notice customers can choose their currency, too.
It began with a simple question to my Solutions Leader: “What’s Shopify Ping?” An hour later, I can chat to customers who are either using the Website chat feature (bottom right of above image) or are in Facebook Messenger (bottom left of above image). When I’m available. Brain injury does limit how much energy I can devote to that. While my Solutions Leader is ready to meet again in a couple of days, it’s going to take me a week to do my homework and recuperate.
Along with Chat, I added a subscription link to my footer. Customers can support me by becoming a Patreon Patron, or subscribe to my weekly blog — and you can, too! — or visit my author website. And my wonderful blog readers can support me through visiting my shop, powered by ShopHERE!

My Solutions Leader added a snazzy testimonials slider.
I have two testimonials about the face coverings!
The face coverings are more of a hit than I expected. I think it’s because they’re made in Canada, of cotton sateen, follow public health guidelines of at least two layers with optional filter, and best of all — they’re comfortable and breathable for long-day wear. It’s been a job for me to find a comfy mask for myself. I’m so pleased that people really like the ones I sell with my designs and manufactured by a Montreal company!