Announcing the Launch of #ABIchat on Twitter

Published Categorised as News, Health, Brain Power

One of the great things about Twitter is the way it fosters conversations, the way people support each other. One of the things the brain injury community is lacking is a place to chat regularly on Twitter. And so I am launching a regular Twitter chat I’ve given the moniker “#ABIchat.”

After seeing other medical communities holding supportive chats, I’d been thinking about getting a brain injury chat going for several months, but it took a conversation with @HammondsHead to kick my butt into gear. And then @BrainworksRehab was so enthusiastic, I knew it was the right time to do it.

I want #ABIchat to be an inclusive community. Those of us with brain injury too often sit outside society, and sometimes we feel isolated even from the people who care for us, whether health care and rehab professionals, caregiving folk, family, or friends. And so I want #ABIchat to be a place where we build bonds between us as individuals and us as members of different groups, where we learn about each other, where we support each other, and where we learn more about brain injury and how to heal it and us. Lofty goals, I know! But you can’t get places without lofty sometimes!

I called it #ABIchat because it is about more than traumatic brain injury; it is for any kind of acquired brain injury, from traumatic to concussion to stroke to anoxia to aneurysm and all in between.

After much hemming and hawing in true brain-injury style, I will launch the inaugural one-hour #ABIchat on Twitter on Monday, August 26, 2013 at 4:00 PM ET (Toronto time). For people in the UK, that will be 9:00 PM; for people on the west coast, that will be 1:00 PM. I hope you will join us! And please spread the word. More details will follow as I set up a web page.

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Update 17 Aug 2013: Web Page is set up for #ABIchat and live in the header bar above.