Camp NaNo: The Final Push

Published Categorised as Books, News

I got a little antsy last week. First I’d gone into Camp NaNo word count deficit, then I’d recovered and gotten ahead, but then I took a look at this week’s schedule and went Eek! How was I ever going to write and keep up with all that I’d scheduled? There’s a reason you’re supposed to clear your calendar during NaNo month. So I decided: if I was going to finish my romance novel, I was going to have to do it on Saturday, 23 June 2012. It would entail me writing more hours than I  before, and it would entail me fleshing out my story. That was the other problem – I’d pretty much finished my story, but I had thousands of words yet left to write to reach the 50,000 goal.

I had to trust my inner writer, the one I don’t have conscious access to.

And that writer came through. I wrote in several spurts over the day last Saturday with breaks in between. I finished the story and then went back to the beginning to look for plot points or small scenes where the detail could be filled out to add to the story. I didn’t really want to put fluffy filler in (hopefully, I didn’t!). It was painful going, then all of a sudden I realised I was only a couple of hundred words away.

I put all the chapters together in one document and redid the word count.


I was now 1,000 words away. Somewhere, I had lost track of my word count and must’ve doubled … um, quadrupled counted.

I was ready to throw in the towel. But I took a break, a nap, a snack, and suddenly my mind was working again, thinking of details that would be good to add.

Ramryge angels at Gloucester Cathedral, England

Brain injury grief is

extraordinary grief

research proves

needs healing.

I had my thousand. Woot!

But wait. I couldn’t celebrate too soon. My word count was just a smidge over 50,000, and Camp NaNo’s word count validator may not agree with WordPerfect’s word count calculator and decide it was a smidge below. Camp NaNoWriMo hadn’t yet opened its word count validator, and so I saved and waited. Then late last night, I realised I’d forgotten to validate! Oops. If I was officially below, that wouldn’t give me much time to get back to romance writing. I quickly copied and pasted the text.

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I won!
