I’m not really sure what to write. I’ve had a month of events coming at me, new writing projects and blogs popping into my inbox, keeping me going, prodding me into action, sweetening my life with purpose. . . Suddenly I’m having to initiate work on my own again. And I’m clueless. Work ebbs and…
Tag: Writing
Spreading My Wings, Spreading the Word about Concussion
So much has happened in the last little while! It felt like I published Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me and then . . . Nothing. For months. When suddenly . . . I have been invited to be a Psychology Today blogger . . . This is so cool, my post…
I am a Psychology Today Blogger!
My New York publicist for Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me has been working hard to acquaint various media outlets with my book and persuade them to review it. Psychology Today was one of those media. But they decided against reviewing my book — sigh. Instead, on April 17th, they wrote my…
Early Exit Exiting NaNoWriMo, Entering Editing
I promised myself that this NaNoWriMo would be like that of years ago — write a novel in a month, take a few days off, and begin revising. I finished the novel. Took a few days off. Then one day grumbled into the next, tiring me, straining the brain. No sign of revising.<br><br>Then the spirit…
Back in the NaNoWriMo Noveling Saddle
Last night at midnight, I joined my fellow Wrimos in the insane endeavour of starting writing a novel when one should be asleep! It’s been too many years since I was ready to write, excited to write, able to join my fellow Wrimos at midnight on my computer. Since 2013, it’s been an exercise in…
Concussion Is Brain Injury Crowdfund Over: The Writing Begins
Extending my crowdfund campaign seemed like a good idea. Maybe people who’d been thinking about it would use the extra time to make that pledge, to say with their hard-earned income that they believed in and supported updating Concussion Is Brain Injury through PubLaunch. My campaign certainly received more retweets, likes, and shares! People threw their…
Good News! Crowdfunding for Concussion Is Brain Injury Extended!!
I am thankful for the support, retweets, Facebook comments, and emails I’ve received in the last few weeks. I’m thankful that so many want to see Concussion Is Brain Injury updated. That’s why my hybrid publisher Iguana Books and I have extended the date of my crowdfunding campaign to April 10th: to give people a…
Crowdfunding for Concussion Is Brain Injury Crawling Along
Crowdfunding is so risky. You’re seeing if anyone is interested in reading your book before you even put it out, or in the case of my biography/memoir Concussion Is Brain Injury, if anyone is interested in reading an update. Many indie authors are excited about crowdfunding, but I always was wary. I’ve taken risks with…
NaNoWriMo: Chapter 4 on Twitter
Chapter 4 sees Chantie take BobbyFlax up on his offer to help her learn to navigate the Twittersphere. Chantie Chapter 4 SJ