I Voted

For eighteen years, since my brain injury, I’ve not voted on my own on Election Day. I’ve had to beg for rides, used special ballots (that was a weird experience), forced to decide who to vote for ahead of time and before I was ready because my poll is far enough away to not be…

A Whale of a Post

I wanted to see the Blue Whale heart at the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum), but I hadn’t been there in years, never mind in the year since my eye surgery. Navigating large indoor spaces with my new vision still makes my head spin. Yet I asked my CNIB orientation mobility trainer if he could take…

The TTC in Time and Space

My newest novel Time and Space has just launched. When I wrote it in November 2011, I thought I have to get this out fast, otherwise my prediction about the TTC will become obsolete, after all Mayor Rob Ford was voted in a year earlier to build subways. His popularity and speed at beginning to…

Voting the Rejecting Way

I don’t want to vote. The First Past the Post system means if I want to vote for a particular party but don’t like the candidate, I have to vote for the candidate to register a vote for the party. And if I like a particular candidate out of all of them but not the…