Poetic Asides blog by Robert E Brewer on the Writer’s Digest website runs Wednesday poetry prompts. Today, I find myself drawn to this week’s prompt and feeling the need to opine poetically — as well as in venting prose — about yesterday’s policy announcements designed to harm the most vulnerable under the guise of good-for-the-taxpayer…
Tag: Poem
PAD Challenge: The End
I’m finding it hard to believe that the 30-day poem-a-day challenge by Robert E Brewer of the Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides blog is over. Waaahhhh. And phew. It was easy some days, very difficult others, a total drag on a few with me sitting there fingers poised over keyboard with not a word in my…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 30 “Hands”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is to write a farewell poem. It’s tough to say goodbye, especially when one is feeling dead tired. But I gave it a shot. And so endeth a very interesting month for me. I discovered I can write poems, some good, some yawn, some frustrating to…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 29 “Never Found”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is easier than yesterday’s. Phew. We are to title our poems “Never (blank)” and fill in the blank with a word or phrase. I chose a word “Found.” “Never Found” Where did my blue-eyed boy go? He’s lost in his mind, Lost to his soul. Who…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 28 “Look Upon Your Vain Hope, King of Pride”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is to write a sestina, or since it’s Two for Tuesday, write about a sestina. I didn’t think I could do this, but gave it a whirl anyway and got caught up in the challenge. I’ve started each line with a capital letter so if the…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 27 “Longing”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is to write a poem of longing, a person longing for someone, a cat longing to get out, longing for love. The formatting didn’t work well on the Poetic Asides blog; I’m having some trouble getting it right here too, but at least it’s close enough.…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 26 “Love Denied”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is to write a poem involving miscommunication. “Love Denied” He said, it’s your fault. She said, I’m hungry. He said, you’re clingy. She said, I need water. He said, you don’t love me. She said, pass me some bread. He said, I’m leaving you. She said,…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 25 “Spring Play”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is “to pick an event; make that event the title of your poem; and then write a poem.” “Spring Play” Check the tickets one more time to make sure got the day right, the game right. Join the throngs in the tunnel from subway to ball…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 24 “The Travelling Bee”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is to write a travel-related poem, some sort of movement from point A to point B. For some reason, my mind went immediately to bees, maybe because I’d just been checking out my roses. “The Travelling Bee” The rotund bee, With its fat yellow and black…