Well, it’s over. Waahhhhhhh! The last two days zipped by; one moment I was facing two chapters left to write, feeling nervous, excited, and already nostalgic for this unbelievable month of novel writing called NaNoWriMo, the next I’d typed the last word, pressed the Save button, and it was all over. I wrote 1,420 words…
Tag: NaNoWriMo
NaNoWriMo Has Created So Much in Me
Only two more days, two more sleeps, two more chapters until the end of National Novel Writing Month. I’ve had so much fun, writing alone yet in a group of hundreds of thousands, that I’ll be sad to see it end. I’ve achieved far more than I expected; heck as of today, I achieved the…
Met and Passed 50,000 Words for NaNoWriMo
Last year, I didn’t think I could do National Novel Writing Month — write a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days of November — too onerous. This year, I wanted to try but not sure, again, if I could. Then I read a Writer’s Digest article about it, checked it out, and in a…
My Early Days of NaNoWriMo
I’ve completed four days of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), and I do believe it was a good decision, joining NaNoWriMo. The days and the writing have been scary, like pulling hens teeth, slow, and exhausting. But no matter how much I think I’m not going to do it or how much I want to…
Day One of NaNoWriMo, and I’m Off!
When I first heard about National Novel Writing Month, I thought that I could never do. When I read about it last month, I thought, hmmmm… When I came across other people talking about it online, I thought this is just what I need to get my novel written. I don’t have someone to organize…