I haven’t blogged about myself in much depth because for years my lawyer banned me from blogging about even the most trivial personal item. I did graze the line when I ranted about raccoons, but I think that was forgivable. No one can withstand a raccoon rant. But today, I turn a new, quivery leaf,…
Tag: Health
brainline.org Wins a Freddie
The Freddie Awards were born of the notion by one man that “I can do better than that” and another man challenging him to do just that. Over 30 years later, that challenge has become a film festival that attracts hundreds of entries from around the world, showcasing medical films and websites. This year, brainline.org…
Experiencing Health Care American Style in Canada
I’ve wanted to write about this topic for awhile, but first a lawsuit prohibited me and then I was just tired. But the current insanity over health care raging south of the border has got me going enough to finally share my experience with American style health care in Canada. Under Ontario law, when you’re…
The Medical Model Fails the Traumatically Brain Injured Big Time
Recovery time depends on how severe the injury was. If someone was unconscious for less than thirty minutes, they will usually recover within three months. If someone was unconscious for more than 24 hours, their recovery may take up to a year…. What Does It Mean to Be Recovered from a Brain Injury—What Is the…
Diabetic in Sweden Reads Lifeliner and Helps His Feet
It’s been too long since my last blog post, but my mind was totally blank about topic possibilities this morning. And then I got an e-mail from my Swedish friend Britt Lindqvist, and my eyes popped. I met Lindqvist through the research I did for my book Lifeliner. Those of you who have read the…
Blood Testing in Downtown Toronto has Become A Farce
I don’t know about you, but getting a blood test used to be as easy as going to your favourite lab, getting your arm poked (ouch!), not watching the red fluid ease up the tube, ripping off the band-aid, waiting for the test results, getting a copy from your GP, and then reading the name…
Catecholamine Tests: A Moving Target
I have to get my catecholamines measured. A simple blood test, you’d think, eh? Uh no. Problem number one is finding a lab that tests them. I had these tests done almost 20 years ago. Back then, the doctor’s office explained what tests were required and how to prepare for them. They handed me a…
Telogen Effluvium: The Dirty Secret of Stress
There’s a condition doctors won’t tell their patients about. It sneaks up on an unsuspecting person; when you suddenly realise what’s happening, doctors dismiss it, relatives poo-poo it. It’s called telogen effluvium. In short, massive hair drop or the big sink clog or the human hair pillow. Yes, folks, your crowning glory falls out and…