
Decisions require emotions, so writes Lisa Cron in Story Genius. Maybe that’s why for years my decision-making skill vanished. It returned bit by bit. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, I asked fewer and fewer people for advice. Yeah, I had fewer to ask, but I also told myself not to ask every single person I knew but…

Knowledge Is Scary

A great teacher takes the arduous learning process, the scary knowledge they’re sharing with you, and makes it rewarding. Even actionable. What makes a teacher great? Way back when, students could run all sorts of experiments in their high school labs and witness firsthand explosive chemical reactions. My father told me about one of his…

I Can Still Cook! Yay!!

My CO2 monitor several months ago told me why my oven was making me a little woozy. The temperature control and ability to heat up had been dying for years, and several years ago, a repairman had said I’d have to replace it soon. But when bad drivers injure your brain, throwing you into poverty,…

BiblioCrunch and Twitter

When having trouble with a company, go to Twitter. So it was with BiblioCrunch when I had a tiny problem: no response to my support request email within the 24-hour window they had promised on their site. I tweeted my plaint and expected nada, for it was on Saturday, usually when all but the largest…