Chapter 4 sees Chantie take BobbyFlax up on his offer to help her learn to navigate the Twittersphere. Chantie Chapter 4 SJ
Tag: Chantie
NaNoWriMo: Chapter 3 on Twitter
A little bit of a hiccup in the Twitter timeline. But it’s early days, and so I was able to redo @BobbyFlax’s tweets. Here then is the Twitter portion of Chapter 3 of my #nanowrimo novel in progress, Chantie: Chantie Chapter 3 SJ
NaNoWriMo 2014: Chapter 2 on Twitter
So far, my Twitter experiment is working out. I write my chapter; go rest, eat, drink; think over whether I should tweet out a few excerpts through my own account; decide yeah, extra work but good for the readers; type out my tweets and my characters tweets into a separate document; think them over: did…
NaNoWriMo 2014 Begins . . . on Twitter
I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to participate in National Novel Writing Month, which I have since 2009, this year. The thought was disturbing. But my muse came to the rescue. It said: locate a novel on Twitter. Make it a mystery. You figure out the rest. Well, I did. And though…