PAD Challenge: Poem No. 5 “The CN Tower: Toronto’s Landmark”

Today’s prompt for Poetic Asides’ poem-a-day challenge is Landmark. The obvious one for a Torontonian is the CN Tower. Not my best work, but the attempt is what’s important, eh? “The CN Tower: Toronto’s Landmark” The CN Tower. Iconic, Sturdy, Tall. So Toronto. But no longer the tallest freestanding structure in the world Since Dubai…

PAD Challenge: Poem No. 2 “Outsider”

As I wrote previously, I’m rising to Poetic Aside’s poem-a-day challenge. Today the prompt is “outsider.” “Outsider” Dinner out The whole family. A special day. A special place. But Brother has a Deathly allergy To fish with shells. He cannot come To this banquet With the whole family.