When you have a lot of trouble reading books, that is, seeing the big picture, absorbing details, able to build up the narrative in your memory, learn and retain the learning, etc., etc., studying philosophy of mind gets a little discouraging. Unbelievably exhausting too. Enter videos. When you can’t read, watch! Video courses may have…
Category: Writings
Articles, essays, stories, etc.
Fish — A Graphic Novel Review
Fish! With legs!! Fish by Peter Kielland My rating: 3 of 5 stars I was given Fish as the next step up in my using graphic novels as part of my reading rehab. A traumatic brain injury — a concussion type — had stolen my ability to read books. I remained literate, just couldn’t read.…
Brain Storm — A Review
Brain Storm. Poetical. Physical. Brain injury brought into movement. So vivid that from the first scene, it triggers before capturing you into the story of a young woman, Kate, who suffered a stroke, underwent a life-saving operation, and is left with a brain injury. A simple set on the stark black stage greets us: chairs,…
Concussion: The Movie Starring Will Smith
As I mentioned last week, I went to see a movie: Concussion. I couldn’t remember what it was about nor did I bother looking it up. So I had no idea what to expect when it began. I liked it. The camera angles, the use of music, the juxtaposition of beauty hiding violence, the suspense…
What’s Flying Across “the Pond” like?
What’s flying across “the pond” like against the prevailing winds? Well, sit back in your narrowest chair, stretch your feet out till your knees are half bent, and let me tell you. Or watch! To begin, I used an e-Boarding Pass on my iPhone; and took one small suitcase whose zip is Herculean in strength,…
Reading v. Learning: A Thought Exercise
Is reading learning? Are the higher cognitive aspects of reading really just learning and concentration? Are my problems only learning issues and not reading ones? If it’s solely a learning issue, then logically I would have the same kind of issue with any kind of learning. If learning is the issue, then the modality of…
NaNoWriMo: Chapter 4 on Twitter
Chapter 4 sees Chantie take BobbyFlax up on his offer to help her learn to navigate the Twittersphere. Chantie Chapter 4 SJ
NaNoWriMo 2014: Chapter 2 on Twitter
So far, my Twitter experiment is working out. I write my chapter; go rest, eat, drink; think over whether I should tweet out a few excerpts through my own account; decide yeah, extra work but good for the readers; type out my tweets and my characters tweets into a separate document; think them over: did…
NaNoWriMo 2014 Begins . . . on Twitter
I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to participate in National Novel Writing Month, which I have since 2009, this year. The thought was disturbing. But my muse came to the rescue. It said: locate a novel on Twitter. Make it a mystery. You figure out the rest. Well, I did. And though…